Cyclotron Institute TAMU - Radiation Effects Testing Facility


(Written by Vladimir Horvat - updated on October 20, 2021)

Calibration factor: Measure

Calibration factor can be measured by clicking Measure. At that point, the parameters in the Beam characteristics group will reflect the accumulated counts in the ion detectors, rather than the counts measured each second. When fluctuations in the values of flux, uniformity, central shift, and axial gain become tolerable, the measurement should be stopped. This is done by clicking the Stop button that became visible when the measurement started. Users will then have an option to ignore the measured value of the calibration factor (i.e., axial gain) or to apply it and lock it. If the latter is selected, a padlock icon will be displayed next to the calibration factor in the Beam characteristics group to indicate that the calibration factor will not be updated automatically.

A calibration mesurement will stop automatically when the expected relative error of the results drops below 1%.