Robin Dienhoffer

Robin was awarded the 2009 Coryell Award in Nuclear Chemistry. The award is given by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society and honors undergraduate students who have completed research projects in nuclear or nuclear related areas. Robin was a 2007 Cyclotron Institute REU participant. She is currently a graduate student at Old Dominion University
Catharine Talbert

Catharine is currently a graduate student at Louisiana State University, enrolled in their Medical Physics and Health Physics program.
Gustaf Olson

Gustaf is currently enrolled in graduate school at the University of Illinois-Champagne.
Kristen Williams

Kristen is enrolled in the NSF-IGERT Interdisciplinary Graduate Program at Texas A&M University. Her focus is on next-generation computational and analytical tools for materials science.
Aaron Swindell

Aaron is currently a graduate student at the University of Connecticut.
Amanda Gehring

Amanda is currently a graduate student in nuclear chemistry at NSCL.
Christine Balonek

Christine is currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.
John Saathoff

John is currently a graduate student in physics at Texas A&M University.
Peter Nguyen

Peter is currently a graduate student at Houston Baptist University.
Adele Plunkett

Adele is currently a graduate student at Yale University.
Rishi Patel

Rishi is currentaly a graduate student at the Rutgers University and continues to work on the CMS experiment.
Daniel Saenz

Daniel is working towards a Ph.D. in Medical Physics at the University of Wisconsin.
Emilian Nica

Emilian is currently a graduate student at Rice University.
Chelsea Harris

Chelsea is currently a graduate student in chemistry at the University of Houston.
Cassandra Niman

Cassandra is currently a graduate student at the University of Oregon.
Lloyd Dunkelberger

Lloyd is currently a graduate student at UCLA and is working on the STAR experiment a RHIC.
Aaron Hernley

Aaron is currently a graduate student at UC-Davis.
Michael Mehlman

Michael is currently a graduate student at Texas A&M University.
Paul Geffert

Paul is currently a graduate student at UC-Santa Barbara and is working with the CMS Experiment.
Erika Navarro

Erika is currently a graduate student in Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington.
Sarah Lumpkins

Sarah participated in another REU program in the summer of 2005 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, working in high energy physics as a part of the ATLAS Detector Group. This past summer she participated in the QP-SURF program at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas conducting biophysics research. Sarah is currently a senior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in engineering physics and minoring in astronomy. A paper based on her Cyclotron Institute REU research project has recently been published (L. Grandchamp, S. Lumpkins, R. Rapp, H. van Hees, S. Deqiang Phys. Rev. C 73, 064906)
Joshua Montague

During the summer of 2005 Josh participated in another NSF-sponsored REU program at the NanoScale Science and Technology Facility at Cornell University. He recently graduated from Colby College and has been accepted for graduate work at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Josh plans to defer his enrollment for a year in order to teach high school physics at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. An article on his research project at the Cyclotron Institute was published in May of 2005 (N. Nica, J. C. Hardy, V. E. Iacob, J.R. Montague and M. B. Trzhaskovskaya, Phys. Rev. C 71, 054320).
Heber Martinez

Heber graduated from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) in May, 2006 with a degree in physics and a minor in math. He is currently enrolled in graduate school at UTEP researching physics education.
Joel Greenberg

In May 2005, Joel graduated from Princeton University with degrees in mechanical and aerospace engineering and physics. He is currently attending graduate school at Duke University pursuing a PhD in physics.
Jonathan Button

Jonathan graduated from Wabash College in May 2005 with a degree in physics. He is currently attending graduate school at Texas A&M University.
Rebecca Habas

During the summer of 2005 Rebecca participated in another NSF-sponsored REU program at Michigan State University. In May 2006 she graduated from Rochester University with a degree in math. She is currently attending graduate school at Texas A&M University.
Mike Cho

Mike graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles in May 2005. He plans to pursue an advanced degree in chemistry or pharmacy in the near future.
Samuel Zenobia

Sam is currently attending graduate school in nuclear engineering at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Shalah Allison

Shalah graduated from Southwestern College in May of 2005. After graduation she was accepted for one of only four positions in the US Navy’s Cryptologic Officer Training program. She is currently deployed in the Washington DC area.
Colin Young

Colin graduated from Tulane in May of 2006 with a degree in mathematical physics. He is currently a graduate student at Rice University.
Whitney Rockwell

Whitney graduated from Mount Holyoke College in May of 2006 with degrees in math and physics. She plans to work in Boston for a year before attending a graduate program.
Laniece Miller

Laniece currently attends Clarkson University majoring in physics. She received a CEU fellowship and presented a research poster based on her work done here during the summer of 2005 at the APS-DNP Fall 2005 meeting in Hawaii. Laniece also participated in the Nuclear Science and Technology Interaction Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory during the fall of 2005. She is currently a graduate student at Florida State University.
Carson Fuls

Carson is a graduate student at the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University.
Adil Bahalim

Adil graduated from Davidson College in May of 2006. He is currently an analyst at Accenture.
Jonathan Kalodimos

Jonathan is headed to graduate school in business, most likely at the University of Florida.
Nathan Williams

Nathan will be a senior at Langston University in the fall of 2006. He participated in another REU program through the TAMU Computer Science department during the summer of 2006. In addition a paper has been published based on his research project (C. A. Gagliardi, R. E. Tribble, and N. J. Williams, Phys. Rev. C 72, 073002).
Junaid Farooqi

Junaid graduated from the University of Texas – Pan American with a B.S. in physics in May of 2006. He is currently working as a high school teacher and plans to begin graduate school in the fall of 2007.
Myles Akin

Myles is currently planning to teach high school for a year before enrolling in a graduate program.
Carl Schreck 
Carl graduated from Bethel University in May of 2006 with a B.S. degree in physics. He is currently a graduate student at Yale University.
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