Summer 2023 Program

The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, is serving as a Research Experiences for Undergraduates site during the summer of 2023.

This REU site focuses on research in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with internationally renowned scientists at a major university-based nuclear facility.

Undergraduates will gain research experience by carrying out specific projects under the direct supervision of Physics/Chmistry faculty at the Cyclotron Institute. Weekly discussions on forefront areas of Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Chemistry will be led by Institute faculty. Students will have the opportunity to share their work via an oral presentation and virtual poster session.

2023 REU Group

Participating Students
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)

Tiara Anderson
Tiara Anderson / Florida State University / Dr. Adsley
"It's Wrong but How Wrong? Studying the Effects of Assumptions about Cross Sections in Experiments and Theory"    

Maddison Ellis
Maddison Ellis / University of Colorado / Dr. Melconian
"Characterizing Efficiency Limitations Caused by Space-Charge Effects in the TAMUTRAP System"    

Monika Fouad
Monika Fouad / Middle Tennessee State University / Dr. Roeder
"Measurement of Beam Intensity for Cross Section Measurement Normalization"    

Thomas Hardin
Thomas Hardin / Texas A&M University / Dr. Rapp
"A T-Matrix Approach to the Bound and Scattering States of Charmonium"    

Dylan Johnson
Dylan Johnson / University of Nebraska-Kearney / Dr. Youngs
"Investigating New Methods for Neutron Multiplicity Identification"    

Grace Metz
Grace Metz / Case Western Reserve University / Dr. Parker
"Developing and Investigating the Response of an SRAM Dosimeter for Use in Radiation Effects"    

Iain Morton
Iain Morton / Seton Hall University / Dr. Mioduszewski
"Discriminating Between Direct Photon and Neutral Pion Triggers Using Multilayer Perceptrons"    

Sharanya Palit
Sharanya Palit / University of Dallas / Dr. Youngs
"Studying the Effects of Heavy Ion Bombardment on SONOS Chips"    

Avery Pilot
Avery Pilot / Catholic University of America / Dr. Rogachev
"Micromegas Gain Mapping"    

Naeem Roberts
Naeem Roberts / Francis Marion University / Dr. Bonasera
"Linking Sub-Barrier Fusion with Double Beta Decays"    



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