Recap of Summer 2007 Program
2007 Conference Experience for Undergraduates
Students that participate in our summer REU program have the opportunity to present their research at the annual Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU). The conference also provides students with a chance to discuss graduate school possibilities by talking with faculty and senior scientist from various graduate institutions.
The CEU is usually held in conjunction with the Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society. This year's meeting was held in Newport News, Virginia. Several of our 2007 REU students were able to attend and present their work.

Summer 2007 Cyclotron Institute REU students with Dr. Sherry Yennello at the 2007 Conference Experience for Undergraduates.

Student Posters and Presentations for 2007
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)
Robin Dienhoffer / State University of New York at Oswego / Dr. Sherry Yennello
Dual-axis, Duo Lateral Position Sensitive Detectors (presentation, poster)
Lloyd Dunkelberger / University of Florida / Dr. Saskia Mioduszewski
Identification of Upsilon Particles Using the Preshower Detector in STAR (presentation, poster)
Chelsea Harris / Texas Southern University / Dr. Rand Watson
A Pyro-Electric Crystal Particle Accelerator (presentation, poster)
Mark Hernberg / University of Iowa / Dr. John Hardy
Precise αK Measurement in 197Pt (presentation, poster)
Courtney Knaup / Emporia State University / Dr. Henry Clark
Proposed Radiation Effects Facility Beam Line for the K150 Cyclotron (presentation, poster)
Peter Nguyen / Houston Baptist University / Dr. Dave Youngblood
Detecting Giant Monopole Resonances (presentation, poster)
Emilian Nica / Texas A&M University / Dr. Shalom Shlomo
Continuum Hartree-Fock Random Phase Approximation Description of Isovector Giant Dipole Resonance in 28O, 60Ca, and 80Zr (presentation, poster)
Cassandra Niman / University of California, San Diego / Dr. Robert Tribble
Imaging Energetic Nuclear Particles (presentation, poster)
Rishi Patel / New York University / Dr. David Toback
Connection Particle Physics to Cosmology Through Supersymmetry (presentation, poster)
Adele Plunkett / Middlebury College / Dr. Akram Zhanov
Astrophysical Factor for the CNO Cycle Reaction 15N(p,γ)16O (presentation, poster)
Steven Rose / Worcester Polytechnic Institute / Dr. Rainer Fries
Quark Recombination in High Energy Collisions for Different Energies (presentation, poster)
Daniel Saenz / Rice University / Dr. James White
Alpha Particle Scintillation Analysis in High Pressure Argon (presentation, poster)
Jia Shen / Saint Mary’s College of California / Dr. Ralf Rapp
Dilepton Spectra from Open-Charm Decays in Heavy-Ion Collisions (presentation, poster) |