Summer 2009 Program
The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, is serving as a Research Experiences for Undergraduates site during the summer of 2009.
This REU site focuses on research in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with internationally renowned scientists at a major university-based nuclear facility.
Undergraduates will gain research experience by carrying out specific projects under the direct supervision of Physics/Chemistry faculty at the Cyclotron Institute. Weekly discussions on forefront areas of Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Chemistry will be led by Institute faculty. Students will have the opportunity to share their work via an oral presentation and virtual poster session.

Student Posters and Presentations for 2009
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)
Alyssa Dibidad / Florida A&M University / Dr. Sherry Yennello
" Determination of environmental dependence of the β- decay half-life of 198Au"
(poster, presentation)
Triesha Fagan / Florida A&M University / Dr. John Hardy
"Understanding the isotopic fragmentation of a nuclear collision"
(poster, presentation)
Juan Garcia / The University of Texas at El Paso / Dr. Ralf Rapp
"Study of charmonium states in vacuum and high density medium"
(poster, presentation)
Darrick Jones / The College of New Jersey / Dr. Saskia Mioduszewski
"High multiplicity clustering using the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter at STAR"
(poster, presentation)
Kevin Lawrence / Florida A&M University / Dr. Cody Folden
"Characterizing of the MARS velocity filter for low-velocity ions"
(poster, presentation)
Maeve Manion-Fischer / Kent State University / Dr. Shalom Shlomo
"Effects of finite size on thermodynamic properties of nuclei"
(poster, presentation)
Enrique Ramirez / The University of Texas at El Paso / Dr. Rainer Fries
"Effects of fluctuations and inhomogeneities of jet quenching in high energy nuclear collisions"
(poster, presentation)
Caleigh Samuels / Radford University / Dr. Dave Youngblood
"Decay detector for the study of isoscalar giant monopole resonances"
(poster, presentation)
Gopal Subedi / Colby College / Dr. Robert Tribble
"Production and separation of radioactive beams 20Mg and 20Na with MARS"
(poster, presentation)
Russell TerBeek / Hillsdale College / Dr. Dan Melconian
"Design of a high precision β-telescope"
(poster, presentation)
Kenny Wunder / Mississippi State University / Dr. Melanie Becker
"String theory: a model beyond popular physics"
(poster, presentation)
Sean Yeager / Rutgers University / Dr. David Toback
"Cosmology inspired searches for supersymmetry at the collider detector at Fermilab"
(poster, presentation)
Susan Zhang / Princeton University / Dr. Akram Zhanov
"Asymptotic normalization coefficients from 3He + 4He elastic scattering and astrophysical factor for 3He + 4He → 7Be + γ"
(poster, presentation)
An overview of programs from previous years is available for review.
Program Dates: June 1st- August 7th, 2009
If you have any question about the program or the application process please send email to