Summer 2014 Program

The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, is serving as a Research Experiences for Undergraduates site during the summer of 2014.

This REU site focuses on research in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with internationally renowned scientists at a major university-based nuclear facility.

Undergraduates will gain research experience by carrying out specific projects under the direct supervision of Physics/Chmistry faculty at the Cyclotron Institute. Weekly discussions on forefront areas of Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Chemistry will be led by Institute faculty. Students will have the opportunity to share their work via an oral presentation and virtual poster session.


2014 REU Group

Participating Students
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)


David Balaban / University of Massachusetts Amherst / Dr. Sherry Yennello
"Novel techniques for the position calibration of FAUST"    
(poster/ presentation)

Kadmiel Beauvais / Florida A&M / Dr. Dave Youngblood
"Extracting the continuum cross section in giant resonance analysis "
(poster / presentation)

Louis Cooper / Florida A&M / Dr. Dan Melconian
"Development of the switching and DC electronics for the TAMUTRAP RFQ cooler/buncher"
(poster / presentation)

William Dean / Bowdoin College / Dr. Akram Zhanov
"An optical model potential for 3He projectiles with light targets "
(poster / presentation)

Matthew Heffernan / The College of William and Mary / Dr. Ralf Rapp
"Universal parameterization of thermal photon production in hadronic matterR"
(poster / presentation)

Christina Loniewski / The University of Rochester / Dr. Shalom Shlomo
"Developing a modern energy density functional for 28O nuclei bound state "
(poster / presentation)

Gabriel Lopez-Morales / Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico / Dr. Cody Folden
"Characterization of aerosol transport in a recoil transfer chamber for heavy element chemistry"
(poster / presentation)

Robert McAfee / The University of Texas at El Paso / Dr. Dan Melconian
" Analysis of a cylindrical beam deflector for the TAMUTRAP facility"
(poster / presentation)

Austin Nelson / South Dakota State University / Dr. Grigory Rogachev
"Proportional counter calibration and analysis for 12C + p resonance scattering"
(poster / presentation)

Ray Niazi / Southern Nazarene University / Dr. Che-Ming Ko
"Heavy quark correlations and J/Ψ production in heavy ion collisions"
(poster / presentation)

Laura Pineda / New Mexico State University / Dr. John Hardy
"Precise measurements of the internal conversion coefficient of the 111mCd isomer "
(poster / presentation)

Jaime Sahagun / University of California Berkeley / Dr. Aldo Bonasera
"Constrained Molecular Dynamics (CoMD) model with generalized symmetry energy"
(poster / presentation)

Joshua Winchell / Wheaton College / Dr. Rainer Fries
"Photon absorption in quark-gluon plasma "
(poster / presentation)



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