2019 Program
The Texas
A&M Cyclotron Institute, in conjunction with
the National Science Foundation,
is serving as a Research Experiences for Undergraduates site during
the summer of 2019.
This REU site focuses on research in nuclear
physics and nuclear chemistry. Students will have the opportunity
to work closely with internationally renowned scientists at
a major university-based nuclear facility.
Undergraduates will gain research experience
by carrying out specific projects under the direct supervision
of Physics/Chmistry faculty at the Cyclotron Institute. Weekly
discussions on forefront areas of Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Chemistry
will be led by Institute faculty. Students will have the opportunity
to share their work via an oral presentation and virtual poster

Participating Students
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)
Parker Adamson / Angelo State University / Dr. Yennello
"Machine Learning: Potential Application for Particle Identification"
(poster/ presentation / abstract)

Eren Akleman / A&M Consolidated High School / Dr. Tabacaru

Molly Aslin / Mount Holyoke College / Dr. Yennello
"Waveform Analysis and Signal Recovery from FAUST Detectors"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Iain Bisset / Colorado School of Mines / Dr. Shlomo
"Influence of Symmetry Energy Density on Isovector Giant Dipole Resonance"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Audrey Farrell / Stony Brook University / Dr. Bonasera
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Ellen Gulian / University of Maryland - Baltimore County / Dr. Fries
"Using Machine Learning to Extract Properties
of Systems of Particles"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Eric Lester / Carnegie Mellon University / Dr. Rogachev
"Improved Waveform Analysis Techniques
for Gamma Ray Spectroscopy"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Miriam Matney / Rice University / Dr. Christian
"Measurement of proton quenching
factors in p-terphenyl"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Meg McDonough / University of Dallas / Dr. Melconian
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Isaiah Richardson / Old Dominion University / Dr. Roeder
"Production of Nuclei on the Proton Dripline"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Javier Rufino / University of Texas at San Antonio / Dr. Holt
"Momentum Distribution of Nucleons in
Isospin Asymmetric Nuclear Matter"
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Matt Sibila / Ohio Northern University / Dr. Rapp
"Production of X(3872) in Ultra-
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
(poster / presentation / abstract)

Amy Vonder Haar / Montclair State University / Dr. Folden
"Extraction of bismuth from nitric acid
media using 1-octanol and
hydrophobic liquid binary mixtures"
(poster / presentation / abstract)