Summer 2022 Program

The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, is serving as a Research Experiences for Undergraduates site during the summer of 2022.

This REU site focuses on research in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with internationally renowned scientists at a major university-based nuclear facility.

Undergraduates will gain research experience by carrying out specific projects under the direct supervision of Physics/Chmistry faculty at the Cyclotron Institute. Weekly discussions on forefront areas of Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Chemistry will be led by Institute faculty. Students will have the opportunity to share their work via an oral presentation and virtual poster session.

2022 REU Group

Participating Students
(students listed alphabetically with school and mentor also provided)

Sophie Allison
Sofie Allison / Mount St. Mary's University / Dr. Folden
"Hydrophobic Ternary Mixtures of Pharmaceutical and Food Grade Reagents: Characterization in Indium Extraction from Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Media"    

Benedict Anderson
Benedict Anderson / University of Dallas / Dr. Youngs
"First Results from Testing the Utility of Prototype Solid State Detectors with Particle Beams"    

Cate Beckman
Cate Beckman / University of Wisconsin / Dr. Yennello
"Designing a Detector for Superheavy Elements Produced from Multinucleon Transfer Using Monte Carlo Methods"    

Olivia Bruce
Olivia Bruce / Spelman College / Dr. Melconian
"Measuring Ions Per Bunch in the RFQ"    

Jason Flittie
Jason Flittie / Michigan Technological University / Dr. Rogachev
"Gain Mapping of a Micromegas Detector by Localized Beta Emissions"    

Michael Gajdosik
Michael Gajdosik / Stevens Institute of Technology / Dr. Bonasera
"Using a Generalized Bohr Model and the Hyper-Spherical Formalism to Study the Thomas and Efimov States for Three Nucleon Systems"    

Maggie Li
Maggie Li / Cornell University / Dr. Holt
"Normalizing Flows for Generative Modeling of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"    

Henry Raposo
Henry Raposo / University of Rhode Island / Dr. Roeder
"Oxygen-14 Beam Production at 5 and 15 MeV/u with MARS Spectrometer"    

Nathan Shaffett
Nathan Shaffett / Shorter University / Dr. Adsley
"Silicon Surface Barrier Detector Testing"    

Sarah Tucker
Sarah Tucker / Ohio Northern University / Dr. Rapp
"The Study of Spectral Functions of Baryons in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter"    



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